Gig Harbor Community Member

Letter to the editor: PenMet measure will help preserve Gig Harbor as we know it

Oct 17, 2023

I grew up in a rural Pierce County home surrounded by forests. When we asked, we were told the land directly across from our house was wetlands, unbuildable. Five years later, a large, grey, concrete warehouse stood on that land directly in front of our house. Developers figured out how to build. There has been tremendous

Letter to the Editor: How does PenMet compare to other park districts?

Oct 17, 2023

PenMet has referred to data provided by the National Recreation and Park Association or “NRPA.”  NRPA has 7 key metrics it uses to compare one park with another. The NRPA metric data is compiled from a thousand park districts across the country. I’ve used the data for park districts with between 20,000 and 50,000 residents

Letter to the editor: PenMet request is excessive

Oct 17, 2023

The PenMet Tax levy lid lift request is excessive, in particular because of the built in “up to 6% annual increase for 5 years”. Can you imagine that it will ever be less than the full 6% per year? The need is not established. As an example, I love Mccormick Forest but I cannot imagine

Gig Harbor Real Estate: Passing a home down to children

Oct 13, 2023

In the realm of estate planning, parents often find themselves contemplating what to do with their homes. Decisions can range from passing down the family home to children, thus preserving the family’s history and legacy by way of their property, to selling the home prior to passing to utilize its equity for various needs and

Letter to the editor: Misinformation and inaccurate statements by PenMet levy opponents

Oct 11, 2023

I am writing in response to Ed Friedrich’s article on the PenMet Parks levy lid lift measure. Mr. Friedrich’s reporting on this measure provides a good explanation regarding the funding structure for PenMet, as well as explaining the financial implications associated with the measure. Unfortunately, some of the information and statements provided in the GHN

Wellness Wednesday: Don’t just wear a pink ribbon during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Oct 11, 2023

With October comes pumpkins, costumes, and candy, as well as an abundance of one thing — pink ribbons. The pink ribbon has become the nationwide symbol for breast cancer and is a universal sign of support. Breast Cancer Awareness Month aims to bring awareness to the common disease. Whether you have battled the illness yourself

Letter to the editor: PenMet’s risky financial planning

Oct 10, 2023

PenMet is pleading poverty in 2024. Its draft 2024 budget shows that without the additional $2.7 million in property tax levies the levy lid lift would provide just in 2024 (almost a 30% increase), PenMet would have to cut its cash outlays by $2.5 million. Let’s take a closer look at how PenMet plans to

Letter to the editor: Who is financially responsible for future environmental damage?

Oct 09, 2023

Regarding “The Reserve, an RM Homes development approved by the City of Gig Harbor despite environmental threats”: Who pays for future environmental damage caused by a developer? “In the event of imminent threat to public health, welfare, or water quality, the Stormwater Maintenance Agreement gives the city unrestricted authority to access the stormwater facilities for

Letter to the editor: Vote ‘yes’ on PenMet’s lid lift to support seniors

Oct 04, 2023

‘How to put into words the passion and commitment I feel? As a woman of a “certain” age (Ahem…senior citizen) I relish my years. After much searching, my husband and I chose to retire in the Gig Harbor area in 2003. It promised all of the charm and beauty of a very desirable community in

Letter to the editor: Does PenMet really handle funds responsibly?

Oct 04, 2023

In response to Ed Friedrich’s well-researched article on PenMet’s Levy Lid Lift proposition: The 2.5% assumed assessed value increase With regard to the 2.5% assumed increase in assessed values, Mr. Friedrich quotes the County Assessor as saying the 2.5% is a reasonable estimate. I don’t argue that point. My point is that PenMet, being a