Gig Harbor Community Member

Letter to the editor: Thanks to all letter writers and to Gig Harbor Now

Nov 10, 2023

I want to thank everyone who contributed to the string of Letters to the Editor regarding the PenMet Levy Lid Lift — both those who opposed the Levy Lid Lift and those who supported it.  I see that chain of Letters as a great exercise of American democracy where the issue was debated in a

Letter to the editor: Peninsula School District playgrounds should be available year-round

Nov 08, 2023

Current residents of the Peninsula School District, By now most of you have either paid or are about to pay your current property tax bill. Hopefully you looked carefully at the rise in taxes. Housing has especially increased in value these past few years. Our tax bills reflect new and higher amounts we all pay.

Letter to the editor: Mary Barber running a campaign with integrity

Nov 06, 2023

This is a published piece written by Mary Barber who is running for Gig Harbor City Council Position 4. We are privileged to have this caliber of a human being as a leader of our city. I’ve seen and heard some mistruths from her opponent. Mr. Nadler continues to hammer on Short-Term Rental Owners as

Letter to the editor: Help PenMet achieve community’s goals and objectives

Nov 03, 2023

How do we define adequate funding for Parks and Recreation for our Community? In 2017 the voters of the then 13-year-old Peninsula Metropolitan Park District, known as PenMet Parks approved a measure to provide the maximum level of funding for PenMet.  Since that measure was approved, we have seen PenMet take steps to expand recreation

Letter to the editor: A final argument against PenMet’s levy request

Nov 03, 2023

First, I want to thank everyone who support and oppose PenMet’s Levy Lid Lift.  This is an excellent discussion on a critically important topic. Steve Nixon Steve Nixon, PenMet Commissioner, says PenMet has delivered and writes his letter as if he has no connection to PenMet.  Has he delivered on my request for more detail

Letter to the editor: PenMet doesn’t need this levy lid lift

Nov 01, 2023

Appreciating the parks we have now versus what we had before PenMet’s formation twenty years ago has nothing to do with the advisability of this levy lid lift in 2023. The facilities/programs mentioned positively in other letters are included in the proposed $9+ million 2024 budget — without the levy lid lift. As current PenMet

Letter to the Editor: Sehmel embodies community involvement

Nov 01, 2023

Just over two years ago, my wife, our two kids, and I moved to Gig Harbor from California. The honeymoon period for our new home hasn’t ended — we are still astounded by the beauty of the area and how incredible the community is. We got involved in the local community, our kids’ schools, adopt

Letter to the editor: PenMet’s budget ‘cuts’ if the levy does not pass

Oct 30, 2023

PenMet is saying that if the levy lid lift doesn’t pass, it will have to make “cuts” to their 2024 budget.  Is that true?  Let’s take a closer look while keeping in mind that PenMet’s 2024 tax levy receipts will be about the same in 2024 as they are this year. Without the levy lid

Letter to the editor: Candidacy is about opposition to short-term rentals

Oct 30, 2023

I read with great amusement Mr. Nadler’s response to the recent letter I submitted to Gig Harbor Now dated 10.20.23.  I guess I must give him 10 credits for his ability to twist the written word to reflect (once again) his own agenda of hammering away on Short-Term Rentals, although I think “vitriolic” and “contemptuous”

Letter to the editor: PenMet preserves community forests and open spaces

Oct 30, 2023

I am writing in support of the PenMet Parks Levy Renewal. Under PenMet’s stewardship, we have stunning Parks and trail systems. My family & I use the trails at McCormick Forest and Sehmel Park on a regular basis. There are trees along these trails that are ancient — breathtaking in their size and presence. How