Gig Harbor Community Member

Letter to the Editor | Concerns about a possible Soundview playground

Jan 04, 2024

Dear Parks Commission: My wife and I reside at 2808 Harborview Drive, Apt. B, near Ferry Landing Park. We have been very involved in the process of the acquisition of Soundview Forest Park and efforts to retain the beauty of this rural sanctuary since acquisition in 2018. The goal was to retain the natural beauty

Letter to the Editor: Interact Club members are students of service

Jan 03, 2024

The Rotary Club of Gig Harbor Midday is both proud and privileged to be able to sponsor three service clubs called Interact, two high school clubs and one middle school club.  Our largest Interact Club is at Gig Harbor High School with over 60 members and the other is at Henderson Bay High School, which

Letter to the Editor: City council must hear the voices of the people

Dec 18, 2023

Why is our city council seeking to silence the voice of the people? Time and again our elected officials have stated the desire to hear from the public, to listen to our concerns. It’s even stated in the Gig Harbor Strategic plan: “Increase city communication effectiveness” and “Listen to community needs and expectations.”  Yet time

Letter to the editor: No rush to take those Christmas lights down

Dec 07, 2023

We moved to Gig Harbor 22 years ago.  Many more newcomers have arrived since then and, like us, you’ve no doubt been taking note of the quirks of your new home; many charming, some a little confusing. Like: “Why do these people leave their Christmas lights up so long?” For me, it began with a

Tracy Cram Perkins: Tips for simplifying the holidays for those with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Nov 21, 2023

Holidays and family reunions can be stressful. For people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, the holidays can be overwhelming. Look at a holiday gathering from their point of view. Your loved one is taken out of their normal routine, perhaps to a place they don’t remember, and then asked to behave like they are “normal.”

Letter to the editor: Online-only meetings erode public trust

Nov 15, 2023

I write to address the proposal to switch to online-only meetings for some aspects of city government business. The push for remote meetings makes perfect sense in the private sector. Thanks to the wonders of technology, rural folk can have access to cutting-edge health care via telemedicine. Tech workers no longer need to be shackled

Wellness Wednesday: Men’s health awareness during No Shave November

Nov 15, 2023

It’s no secret that men don’t prioritize their health like women do. Why is that? Every November, we recognize Men’s Health Month by participating in “No Shave November” and working diligently to educate our community through personal connections and social media platforms. Men’s health is incredibly important, yet it often doesn’t get the attention it

Letter to the editor: Thanks to all letter writers and to Gig Harbor Now

Nov 10, 2023

I want to thank everyone who contributed to the string of Letters to the Editor regarding the PenMet Levy Lid Lift — both those who opposed the Levy Lid Lift and those who supported it.  I see that chain of Letters as a great exercise of American democracy where the issue was debated in a

Letter to the editor: Peninsula School District playgrounds should be available year-round

Nov 08, 2023

Current residents of the Peninsula School District, By now most of you have either paid or are about to pay your current property tax bill. Hopefully you looked carefully at the rise in taxes. Housing has especially increased in value these past few years. Our tax bills reflect new and higher amounts we all pay.

Letter to the editor: Mary Barber running a campaign with integrity

Nov 06, 2023

This is a published piece written by Mary Barber who is running for Gig Harbor City Council Position 4. We are privileged to have this caliber of a human being as a leader of our city. I’ve seen and heard some mistruths from her opponent. Mr. Nadler continues to hammer on Short-Term Rental Owners as